+ 2005
+ 2006
+ 2007
+ 2008
+ 2009
+ 2010
+ 2011
+ 2012
+ 2013
+ 2014
+ 2015
+ 2016
+ 2017
+ 2018
+ 2019
+ 2020
+ 2021
+ 2022
+ 2023
+ 2024

Camilla Ulleland Hoel

I am an associate professor of English Literature, a Dickensian, a Holmesian, a bibliophile, a knitter, a spinner, a geek and a feminist.

This blog is not a strategic (or even tactical) attempt to hone my social media profile. It is not a consciously shaped image. It is certainly not focused. It is the product of the period in which I have become and lived as an academic, with all the oddity that comes with growth.

It springs out of a group blog, Calcuttagutta, where we started blogging as we were finding our feet in higher education, partially based in an extended Buildungs-idea, thinking everyone should know a little of everything (and that we could help). I think it is still a good thought, though our blogging lost some of its focus along the way.

The blog begins in 2005, when I was winding up an eclectic undergraduate degree in which I had started out in comparative religion, meandered my way to history, then to ancient cultures, and finally ended up in literature.

It followed me to the University of Edinburgh for my postgraduate studies in 2006, as I wrote a master's dissertation on the parody of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Malcolm Pryce; and it became my principal form of procrastination as, still in Edinburgh, I wrote my PhD on unfinished narratives (in particular Charles Dickens' The Mystery of Edwin Drood). It has since suffered periods of neglect and frantic activity as I've worked in higher education institutions back in Norway. I imagine things will continue in a similar vein.

The blog is bilingual (trilingual, I suppose: There is one Spanish recipe in there somewhere), but has become increasingly anglophone over the years, as English has gradually become my primary written language. You can comment in any language you like, though you will have to register first (I do not cooperate with wordpress or google or similar, and so your username does not carry over; then again, I will not sell your information to anyone, either).

You can find my academic profile at Humanities Commons, my books at Librarything, my knitting at Ravelry, my sewing at Threadloop and my tweets at Mastodon and BlueSky.
--Camilla Ulleland Hoel


That NYT list of the best books of the 21st century -- a gripe

Sundry books of 2023

2022 in books -- an assortment

Love and tensor algebra II

Talking about Zelenskyy

2021 in books -- a miscellany

A decade in books

2020 book variations


The Mystery of Edwin Drood

(Still waiting for) pockets

2019 in books -- a selection

Distilled highlights of 2018 in books

Secret Plots: The False Endings of Dickens' Novels

Shaw's manslaughter plan

The Default She: Power Inversion in Feminist Science Fiction

Playful allusion and undiscerning critics

Reading in dark times

The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage

Tolkien reading day

Umberto Eco & why he is wonderful

The Abominable Bride

Reading intersectionally

Terry Pratchett & why he is wonderful

The Iliad

The narrative significance of Dickens' death


Cycling to work

International Women's Day

Toasting the Professor

Read non-Western writers in 2015

2014 in books

Gingerbread TARDIS & Daleks

Christmas stories: The Father Christmas Letters

Christmas stories: The Nightmare Before Christmas

Christmas stories: Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm

Christmas stories: Journey of the Magi

Christmas stories: Hercule Poirot's Christmas

Christmas stories: A Christmas Carol

Christmas stories: The Night Before Christmas

Christmas stories: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Christmas stories: A Visit from St. Nicholas

Christmas stories: Nicholas Was...

Christmas stories: Luke 2:1-20

Christmas stories: The Santa Klaus Murder

Christmas stories: A Very Klingon Khristmas

Christmas stories: The Regeneration of Two

Christmas stories: The Nutcracker and the Mouse King

Christmas stories: The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle

Christmas stories: How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Christmas stories: A Child's Christmas in Wales

Christmas stories: The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus

Christmas stories: The Festival

Christmas stories: Jeeves and the Yule-tide Spirit

Christmas stories: A Christmas Memory

Christmas stories: Hogfather

Christmas stories: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Science fiction and the extended idea of Bildung



Equal opportunities

Bjørnsonfestivalen: "Norway at war"

A bimillennium

Science fiction and alterity

Science fiction and society

March 8

Science Magic

Burns Night

Read Women in 2014

Liveblogg Nyttårsaften 2013

Gingerbread Star Destroyer

Matspalte: Årets julegodt

Questions about Life, the Universe and Everything

Unnskyld meg

Norge bør boikotte vinter-OL i Russland

New Doctor!

Jane Austen & why she is wonderful

Spinning a yarn

Star Trek Into Darkness

Charles Dickens and H. C. Andersen

Coding. Oh, my

Coding. Me.

March 9-7

En dårlig idé

Star Trek: Spock, love and a terrible mistake

Pykisk helsevern og straff

Reading Dickens as he was published

Liveblogg Nyttårsaften 2012

Desembermat: Dødsstjerne

New Tolkien book on the way

Novembermat: Hane i vin

Oktobermat: Falafel

Septembermat: Gin Garden

Sjokolade og alt som er galt med verden

Augustmat: Rødvinsmarinert indrefilet

A Game of Thrones

Taxes and Americans

If you're going to San Francisco

Julimat: Gumbo


Junimat: Rabarbrapai

Women and video games

Maimat: Wookiee Cookies

Get running

The Mythology of the Secret Societies

Nye briller

Aprilmat: Helstekt stokkand med appelsinsaus

Marsmat: Lammebog med appelsin og ingefær

"He did not know the soldier or his family..."

Gender equality in the West?

Februarmat: Eplepannekaker


Charles Dickens Bicentennial

Januarmat: Oksegryte

The book

Mat og oppskrifter

Liveblogg fra Nyttårsaften 2011

A Christmas Carol

Lightning Rods

Ufred i heimen

Leveson inquiry

Love and Tensor Algebra


Tim Minchin's ``Storm''

Structured procrastination


Fleksnes var ikke en original

Moldejazz: The Bård Watn experience

Born to be Gay


Spekulative overskrifter

Ratko Mladic arrested

25th of May

To Kill a Mockingbird

Min digitale arbeidsplass

Rape is not in the same category as adultery


Not our independence day

Royal Wedding

Blow on it

Britiske moromenn (og -kvinne) II

Never Let Me Go

April Fool's

Private Eye



John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester

Casino Royale

100 år med kvinnedager

Spring and fresh air

Brideshead Revisited

Rettskriving og rasisme


Bøker og omgivelser

The Pillow Book of Sei Shōnagon

Bridge of Birds

Tiårets bøker

Remember, remember, the 9th of December?

Anti-cuts snowball fight


Anti-cuts study-in

Jeremy Benthams forunderlige skjebne

The Rosicrucian Enlightenment


Camilla's rules for essay writing

Doctor Who fudging

Fredsprisen til Liu Xiaobo

Mario Vargas Llosa får Nobels litteraturpris

In Progress...

Pavebesøk i Edinburgh

The Fry Chronicles

Moab is my Washpot

Word count

Cockney Rhyming Slang


Footlights in ``Good For You''

Barry and Stuart -- 98% séance

Jazz at Lunchtime


Cloud Atlas

In the Land of Time and other Fantasy Tales

Pretty colours!

Jazz Festival day 6: Break of Day with Molvær

Jazz Festival evening 1: Farmers Market in Alexandraparken

Jazz Festival day 1: We are all Shibusa Shirazu Orchestra!

Calcuttaguttalaunch torsdag

Aperture 3


Jazzfestivalfest / Calcuttaguttalaunch

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

Sophie Scholl -- The Final Days

Pickings from the Bookman "Young Authors" column

Matspalte: Chili-, lime- og sjokoladebrød

Publishers' Circular -- pickings

Hendrick's Gimlet

Library pickings

Jacqueline Rose on the Dreyfus affair


Mind boggled

Geek Pride

Valgvake Storbritannia

Britiske partier

Hvorfor valget i Storbritannia er spennende


The Children's Book


New Doctor

Thackeray's open letter to Dumas on Ivanhoe

Såh, hvordan er været i Norge?

His Master's Voice

The Red House Mystery

In Bruges


Allminnelig rettsfølelse

Bøker eller OL?

Aphra Behn

The Elegance of the Hedgehog

Hannah Montana: Crush-tastic

Canterbury Tales


Flight bag

Årets bokplan


Frolicking in the snow


Strikking: the beginning

Robinson Crusoe

We Will Rock You

Le Chevalier de Sainte-Hermine

—Ikke farligere enn vann.

Guardian gag III: NRK er involvert!

Guardian gag II: Trafigura, a.k.a. oljeselskaper er onde

Guardian gag I: John Wilkes og Twitter

Death of Bunny Munro in Edinburgh

Talk to the Hand

Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett

The Boat That Rocked

Do we love Leith?

Valgdagsmålinger -- skumle greier?

Matspalte: Rype

Hvorfor vin i butikken er en dårlig idé

Die Zauberflöte

Vi har stemt

Grant Management, a.k.a. the horror, the horror

Two Thin Laddies

Cool fun, a Manifesto and What is Wrong with the News

Rob Deb & the competition

The Fringe 2009

En utenlandsstudents bemerkninger

Arthur Conan Doyle

Ibid: A Life


Leonard Cohen

Melody Gardot

Dagens dumme

Problemer i Alexandra-parken

En ny taler?

Tour de France

Delicious Library a.k.a. Camilla får endelig oversikt


Matspalte: Mojito

Eksamenslesning med Karoline

Unspeakable Desolation Pouring Down From the Stars

David Carradine

Police Box Coffee -- Doctor Who style

Britiske moromenn I

The Gone-Away World

John Oliver goes to LHC



Is television liberal?



På grensen

...som om Royal Bank of Scotland ikke har fått nok bank


Sex! Sex everywhere!


1066 and All That

Det er sommer, det er sol, men dessverre ikke søndag

Ting og tang fra historien

Comic Relief


Having watched Watchmen

Jeg, eg, ej, e, i, æ...

Bøker man bør lese før man dør

Er PFU idioter?

Dylan Moran

Virginia Woolf & indecency

Eddie Izzard

På The Elephant House

På biblioteket

Burns Night & Ceilidh

Inauguration a.k.a. Buhbye, Bush!

Tidbits from The Illustrated London News

Skyld og skam




50 book challenge

Bør Tor droppe lue når han skal kjøpe vin?

Musikklinjas julekonsert 2008



Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds

Nostalgi i sangform


Remember, remember the 5th of November

Live-blog valgvake

Tom Bakers hemmelige identitet

Sukk, hjerte...

Neil Gaiman og The Graveyard Book

St. Andrews i bilder

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

LotR film-maraton


The Scottish Play

Faren med Wikipedia

Lyotard og hvorfor universitetene ikke skal behandles som bedrifter

Polls Schmolls

Matspalte: Arroz con pollo

First against the wall...

Holberg-prisen 2008

Edinburgh Fringe: Gilbert&Sullivan; Jekyll&Hyde

Edinburgh Fringe: Free Fringe


Edinburgh Fringe: missed opportunities


Matspalte: Jordbær med vin og sitron

Slik går dagene...

Jazzfestival: dag 6 (Morgenkonsert)

Jazzfestival: dag 5 (en hel dag i parken)

Jazzfestival: dag 4 (minuspoeng til Alexandrakjelleren, og Ares kommentar til Romsdalsmuséet)

Jazzfestival: dag 3 (Romsdalsmuséet)

Jazzfestival: dag 2 (gratiskonsert på Veksthuset)

Jazzfestival: dag 1

LateX schmateX

Free hugs on the High Street

Doctor Who

Play - min første konferanse

Towel day - og litt til?

walter benjamin & trauerspiel


Deleuze og film

Kvantefysikk og andre rare dyr

Terry Eagleton - en forelesning

Edinburgh 2.0

Literary Pub Tour

William Blake

Camilla endorses No One

Liveblogg nyttårsaften 2007 hos Camilla

Attentatet på Benazir Bhutto

Aleister Crowley

En spansk en

Sherlock Holmes


Nobels fredspris til IPCC og Al Gore

Doris Lessing får Nobels litteraturpris

Erich von Däniken

Dan Brown-diskusjonen

Happy peace day!

Towel Day!


Jeg har klippet håret til Tor i dag



1. mai

Jeg ble spammet i dag

Borte, borte...


Derren Brown

Gas! Gas!




Mary Queen of Scots

Edinburgh - nå i bilder


...og slik går dagene...

I wanna be a bureaucrat

Calvino og Borges

So long, mac...


Hjem, kjære hjem

Årets aktiviteter med mer

Mer om Edinburgh

Poststrukturalisme - enda mer

Mitt Edinburgh.

The Mary Whitehouse Experience

Aftenposten på latin?

Israel og Palestina - en innføring

Hvordan bli lykkelig

Poststrukturalisme - fortsettelse

Cartoon wars

Poststrukturalisme - bakgrunn

AFS trenger vertsfamilier

Bilde-himmelen II




Peru... jeg vet ikke hva jeg skal si

Dumme turister og - endelig - frekke folk som svarer


Påsken og Judasevangeliet

Monarkiets prakt V

The King and I

Monarkiets prakt IV

Monarkiets prakt III

Monarkiets prakt II

Monarkiets prakt I

3 bøker. Benjamin, Baudelaire og Calvino

Gresk historie i et nøtteskall

Shopaholic, thy name is Woman

Sikkerhetskontroll schmikkerhetskontroll

Litteratur for litteraturvitere

Fredag den 13.

Nytt år, ny trend

Den islamske revolusjonen i Iran i et sekulariserings-/desekulariseringsperspektiv

Årets julekonsert


Peace Geeks

En oppgave

Gresk religion

God jul - og gledelig saturnalia

Mer vold, sex og drap


Om originalitet: Homer, Vergil og Dante

Vold, sex og drap

Srebrenica ti år etter

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell

Tre bøker


Drama på Solsiden -aka måker kan aikido -aka dumme mennesker

Engler og monstre, og en ond dronning




Dette er en artikkel

Mitt slag for vitenskapen

John Graham Altman er en rar mann.

1. mai!


Karl V

Member since





